Comment 2 for bug 1882411

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Chris Guiver (guiverc) wrote :

Lubuntu groovy install & strange behavior with Monitor.Settings

I have Keep.Monitors.Attached clicked.

I experienced strange behavior again today with Lubuntu in *live* session, then tested later on opensuse tumbleweed using LXQt 15.1 ... same if not similar behavior.. (too tired for more today, so recording what I found here)

From QA-test report found at (edited)

i had a play on opensuse with it's LXQt 15.1, got it to respond funny like I report above in this live session, albeit once in 20+ tries.. I've made opensuse also use openbox.. I had opensuse re-create the issue I experienced in lubuntu early on, but then could not re-create it again, in numerous attempts to narrow down description for upstream bug filing...
(edited later & it occurred again, but then once again tried to re-create behavior and couldn't recreate that again)..

two displays, one above the other but not aligned left-right perfectly; one far to left the other far to right.. if they're away from outside of Monitor.Settings corner of window and screen-2 is positioned to left (above or below) of other screen, on dropping the monitor (with Keep Monitors attached) the two screens adjust to the opposite left-right orientation to what you dropped at, ie. the one of the left is now to the right & vice-versa.... but I can't get it to occur very often. (ie. screen-2 which was positioned to the left is now the screen on the right after 'warp' move...)