Comment 13 for bug 1882411

Revision history for this message
Chris Guiver (guiverc) wrote (last edit ):

Same session as prior comment... (firefox & prior comment can be seen on firefox)

Key in this picture is the Monitor.Settings window was moved between displays. The middle of the window cannot be viewed.


- `sudo apt install xfwm4 --no-install-recommends`
- use session-settings to replace `openbox` with `xfwm4`
- logout & login... (somewhat repeat of comment #5)
- still looks the same; monitor.settings when opened shows no space, but space between monitors exists & windows are disappearing..

- tried moving displays around using Monitor.Settings..

kept misbehaving... HOWEVER

- on swapping/reversing the LEFT-RIGHT monitor positions, the issue disappeared.

- on swapping/reversing the LEFT-RIGHT monitor positions the issue re-appeared

Issue only occurs when DVI-0 (my left landscape monitor) is on left, and DVI-1 or portrait-left-tilted monitor is on the right

Is my package filing correct? Are we up-to-date with upstream?
As this needs to be taken upstream..
Can I re-create this in opensuse tumbleweed? (comment #2 implies I could, it just took awhile to re-create & I know what I'm looking for!)