Comment 24 for bug 2040139

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

Hi, I just got notified of this and bug 2040137 and catching up.

> Will python-uefivars need to be in main in each release to resolve this?

No it would not need to be. It would only be a build time dependency right? Replacing the use of the intermal shell in Would we want this to be high quality - yes, would we want it to be in main - I guess, but just strictly looking at the rules it does not have to be in main as a pure build time dependency.

But DannF had multiple alternatives to that, either use a non secure-boot image to enroll (minimal change, but I'm not sure that would apply to the LXD build). Or using virt-firmware once available, same constraints as for python-uefivars would apply.