Comment 1 for bug 1922295

Revision history for this message
Fabian (moocan2112) wrote :


° According to man pages in:
lvm2_2.03.07-1ubuntu1_amd64 -> Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
lvm2_2.03.07-1ubuntu3_amd64 -> Ubuntu 20.10

The lvm2-activation-generator is called by systemd(1) on boot to generate systemd units at
runtime to activate LVM Logical Volumes (LVs) when global/event_activation=0 is set in
lvm.conf(5). These units use vgchange -ay to activate LVs.

If event_activation=1, the lvm2-activation-generator exits immediately without generating
any systemd units, and LVM fully relies on event-based activation to activate LVs. In
this case, event-generated pvscan --cache -aay commands activate LVs.

° According to man pages in:
lvm2_2.03.11-2ubuntu4_amd64 -> Ubuntu 21.04

The lvm2-activation-generator is called by systemd(1) on boot to generate systemd units at
runtime to activate LVM Logical Volumes (LVs) when global/event_activation=0 is set in
lvm.conf(5). These units use vgchange -aay to activate LVs.

If event_activation=1, the lvm2-activation-generator exits immediately without generating
any systemd units, and LVM fully relies on event-based activation to activate LVs. In
this case, event-generated pvscan --cache -aay commands activate LVs.

So in Ubuntu 20.04 & Ubuntu 20.10 "These units use vgchange -ay to activate LVs."
and not "vgchange -aay" as in Ubuntu 21.04.

"vgchange -ay" does not honor lvm.conf activation/auto_activation_volume_list setting.
it activates everything regardless of lvm.conf settings.
