Comment 1 for bug 669071

Revision history for this message
uwe (maabdulhaq) wrote :

I'm facing the same issue:

06:25:43 An unhandled exception occured. This is most likely a bug
in the programming of Luma. In order to fix this, send an email with the
following text and a detailed description of what you were doing to
<email address hidden>.
  File "/usr/lib/luma/plugins/usermanagement/", line 251, in checkNext
  File "/usr/lib/luma/base/backend/", line 246, in addAttributeValue
    attributeName = self.attributeMap[attributeName.lower()]
Reason: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'> 'uidnumber'

06:25:45 An unhandled exception occured. This is most likely a bug
in the programming of Luma. In order to fix this, send an email with the
following text and a detailed description of what you were doing to
<email address hidden>.
  File "/usr/lib/luma/plugins/usermanagement/", line 247, in checkNext
    tmp = usedUserIDs[len(usedUserIDs)-1] + 1
Reason: <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects