Comment 4 for bug 2047295

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Aaron Rainbolt (arraybolt3) wrote :

I took a swing at this a while ago. The problem is that a setxkbmap run in the installer prompt doesn't actually manage to carry over to the desktop session. The keyboard layout ends up on `us` anyway. I suspect something in both LXQt and Plasma (both of which have this issue) is resetting the keyboard layout to the one configured in the DE (which is the normal and right thing to do but quite annoying at the same time). I could be wrong about the underlying cause, but those are the symptoms.

I think this will require doing something to reconfigure the target DE so *it* sets the keyboard layout right. If so, this will likely require separate solutions for Lubuntu and Kubuntu. (Ubuntu Unity doesn't have an installer prompt and so doesn't need any action here.)