Comment 4 for bug 2015979

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roland aus köln (devzero-c) wrote (last edit ):

thank you for the long explanation. i can understand your point of view and i respect that.

but please understand my point of view

lubuntu is a distro used by hundreds of thousands people, and it's especially being a ressource-saving distro for not so fast or ressource constrained hardware and very likely for virtual environments. it's not that "eye candy bloated" distro as many others.

nowadays, virtualization is very popular and i bet there are much more linux installations running on virtual machines then on real hardware.

trying to minimize energy consumption at such scale DOES make a difference.

it's not a matter of a couple of kWh or some dollars, we are probably speaking of thousands of kWh , which cost a large amount of money and produce a large amount of CO2 and pollutants.

you (and me and us all) have some responsibility, as we can easily make some change via some git commit, which enables people using their electricity and money for more sensible stuff.

regarding "but you can switch it off":
many people don't care, especially where energy prices are low. some may switch to a different screensaver. but many many don't. most likeley because they simply can't easily see, that it's causing significant additional energy consumption.

please, let's care for their bill and for the environment instead of persisting on "eyecandy".

i have checked, how things behave in ubuntu and xubuntu.

in ubuntu, there is no screensaver by default - only black/blank screen .cpu is idling at <1% in a VM :

same for xubuntu.

same for kubuntu.

same for linux mint (which is also ubuntu based).

will lubuntu please follow that "strategy" ?