Comment 3 for bug 274122

Revision history for this message
René Fleschenberg (rene.f) wrote :


I now discovered that for the non-working usb stick, /sys/block/sda/removable contains 0. This explains why the udev rule does not trigger. If I adjust the udev rule accordingly, the device works as expected.

As a somewhat dirty workaround, I am currently using this rule:

    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", KERNEL=="sda1" RUN+="add_fstab_entry %k"

This works for my environment, but of course not as a general solution.

Maybe, even this bold rule would work? Or will that have unintended side effects?

    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", RUN+="add_fstab_entry %k"

Since the device is auto-mounted fine when used on the server locally, there must be a udev rule in a normal Hardy installation that matches correctly.