Comment 26 for bug 951526

Revision history for this message
ppmuetze (ppm) wrote :

This little issues is driving me crazy, I have search the internet to no prevail. Everything appeared fine until I added an admin user in chroot and did a ltsp-upgrade-image then this error started.
I moved /opt/ltsp/i386 to /opt/ltsp/i386-ORIG and i did a sudo ltsp-build-client --arch i386 after that finished, still dropped to busybox shell, then I did sudo service nbd-server restart, tried booting the thin client and the same thing happened, then I tried
(cat <<EOF
ipappend 3
) | sudo tee -a /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default
and that did the trick.

I really want someone to explain to me what the chroot is for? If it is only supplying the boot image why would we ever chroot in to that environment and do an apt-get update, then rebuild the image? I am just going to note in my blog about my install to never (at the moment) go into your chroot environment. I swear there was a lot more documentation out there on setting up the LTSP-server, I know at one point I was able to have the pxe-boot menu automatically select the arch during boot. Maybe this is just my little rant for finding it impossible to "fix" this problem for the past 6-1/2 hours. I am going to attempt to break things again and see if just adding that code above does the trick.

Thanks for giving me a jumping point guys!!