Comment 26 for bug 133635

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Gareth Bult (gareth-encryptec) wrote :


>Not that I know, but I don't think you understand the general process of using your (limited) resources as
>effectively as possible under a priority-based system for such an enormous project as Ubuntu.

You would be correct, the way in which Ubuntu seem to do things is beyond me.

>But you see my point, I hope.

I do, but you've totally missed my point.

>Be the one to push the changes you want to see. Remember the definition of Ubuntu.

I've been pushing Linux for a long time, indeed I first started writing Linux drivers in 1991 and was very excited when Linus finally turned out a hard disk driver. (!)

Ubuntu is *not* *my* project, I am merely a user, there are SO many issues with Ubuntu (mostly political), I really don't want to get involved any more than I am at the moment and reporting bugs is going to be my limit - I have other projects to work on where I have rather more control and can ensure .. correctness.

My point was not the lack of quality, the ability or time spent by sysadmins etc, it was that Ubuntu are misleading people by advertising one thing and offering up something else.

Giving "Linux" a bad name IS something that worries me.

It is not "my job" to find out who I should be emailing at Ubuntu and contacting them directly (although I've tried this to no avail in the dim and distant past). However, should enough people comment at the lower levels, my hope is that eventually it will filter up to people like yourself who do (or should?) have a little more sway with "da management".

So, in summary my complaint isn't really directed a "Ubuntu" the software, but rather "Ubuntu the organisation" making apparently misleading claims and potentially damaging the "Linux" name.

Note; making a "critical security flaw" a "low priority" is a bit of a contradiction in terms and something that's going to make the black-hats chuckle ... if you have time to produce a new release, why not *not* produce the release and fix all the holes in the current release first .. sorry, I said that already.