Comment 0 for bug 1874636

Revision history for this message
bugproxy (bugproxy) wrote :

== Comment: #0 - Shivaprasad G. Bhat <email address hidden> - 2020-04-24 02:18:27 ==
---Problem Description---
Update lsvpd package to v1.7.11

Contact Information = <email address hidden>

---Additional Hardware Info---
PowerPC Machines

---uname output---

Machine Type = Power

A debugger is not configured

---Steps to Reproduce---
 Package update request

Userspace tool common name: lsvpd

The userspace tool has the following bit modes: 64-bit

Userspace rpm: lsvpd

Userspace tool obtained from project website: na

*Additional Instructions for <email address hidden>:
-Post a private note with access information to the machine that the bug is occuring on.
-Attach ltrace and strace of userspace application.

The package sources are hosted on github now.

Kindly update to latest version.