Comment 14 for bug 1050595

Revision history for this message
Doug Smythies (dsmythies) wrote :

In post #10 above, I said I didn't care if the hardware requirements were changed. However, it turns out I do care.
The 32 bit 13.04 server edition installs and works fine on my pathetic old 200Mhz computer with 128 Megabytes of memory.
I don't know if the memory problems experienced in this bug report were because of a virtual machine installation or if it was a 64 bit installation or both. Someone on Ubuntu forums, had troubles with a virtual 64 bit install with 128 megabytes yesterday.
My suggestion is to figure it out and detail such in the documentation. I.E. I wonder if a 32 bit virtual installation would work with only 128 Megabytes of memory? (Maybe that is what the OP tried?)
I am willing to to the work, but I would have to learn how to build vitrual machines first.
I think the probability of finding a real 64 bit computer with only 128 or even 256 megabytes of memory is 0%.

The changes to the 12.10 serverguide also introduced a "Standard" and a "Minimal" Server but didn't define what they are.