Comment 3 for bug 2037022

Revision history for this message
ebob9 (ebob9) wrote :

I am hitting this issue as well - I've been able to work around it by running a script post startup which uses sed to replace the `Daily` lines in the logrotate.timer file with hourly, and reload the systemd daemon config.

sed -i "/Description=Daily rotation of log files/c\Description=Hourly rotation of log files" /lib/systemd/system/logrotate.timer
sed -i "/OnCalendar=daily/c\OnCalendar=hourly" /lib/systemd/system/logrotate.timer
systemctl daemon-reload; systemctl stop logrotate.timer; systemctl start logrotate.timer

This is a crude workaround, but I assume the actual fix should be to modify the same items in the distro logrotate.timer file.