Comment 9 for bug 1368647

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Johannes (hummlbach) wrote :

Hello everybody!

I've get the following error (already mentioned above):

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ test_ubuntu_app_api_location_service
E1005 14:19:23.096575 25459 skeleton.cpp:177] Error creating session: Client lacks permissions to access the service with the given criteria
ua_location_service_create_session_for_high_accuracy: Error creating instance: virtual com::ubuntu::location::service::session::Interface::Ptr com::ubuntu::location::service::Stub::create_session_for_criteria(const com::ubuntu::location::Criteria&): com.ubuntu.location.Service.Error.CreatingSession: Error creating session

For me it does not depend on the uptime or something... (It simply never works ;) [devel channel])
But GPS itself seems to work(?):

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ test_gps
timestamp: -531229311
nmea (63): $GPGSV,6,4,24,21,14,074,,22,63,105,,27,77,139,,76,15,334,25*71
*** nmea info
timestamp: -531229311
nmea (65): $GPGSV,6,5,24,75,20,279,27,85,39,309,31,74,01,233,,70,21,180,*77
*** nmea info
timestamp: -531229310
nmea (61): $GPGSV,6,6,24,69,61,120,,84,71,039,,83,26,101,,68,35,037,*77
*** location callback
flags: 55
latitude: 48.649156
longtide: 9.204716
accuracy: 34.000000
utc: -531229384

So it seems to be a problem with the location-service itself(?). Or am I getting something wrong?