Comment 2 for bug 1368647

Revision history for this message
jeffcooper (jeff-cooper) wrote :

I noticed this a few weeks ago and it has not been rectified.

I have asked the osmtouch developers if they know about it

Digging into it today I found the following after running OSM Touch and touching the location detection arrow :-

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:/$ cat /var/log/ubuntu-location-service/com.ubuntu.location.WARNING
Log file created at: 2014/09/11 15:24:31
Running on machine: ubuntu-phablet
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0911 15:24:31.517678 2420 skeleton.cpp:177] Error creating session: Client lacks permissions to access the service with the given criteria
E0912 08:52:39.514560 2419 skeleton.cpp:177] Error creating session: Client lacks permissions to access the service with the given criteria

So it seems like a permissions issue?

Also, going back to the start of the warnings:-

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:/$ cat /var/log/ubuntu-location-service/com.ubuntu.location.ubuntu-phablet.invalid-user.log.WARNING.20140809-134227.916
Log file created at: 2014/08/09 13:42:27
Running on machine: ubuntu-phablet
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
W0809 13:42:27.226502 916 ofono_nm_connectivity_manager.cpp:171] Exception while creating connected radio cell: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "GetProperties" with signature "" on interface "org.ofono.NetworkRegistration" doesn't exist

All warnings are the same as above until:-

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:/$ cat /var/log/ubuntu-location-service/com.ubuntu.location.ubuntu-phablet.invalid-user.log.WARNING.20140822-100144.924
Log file created at: 2014/08/22 10:01:44
Running on machine: ubuntu-phablet
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0822 10:01:44.903519 1942 skeleton.cpp:177] Error creating session: Client lacks permissions to access the service with the given criteria


phablet@ubuntu-phablet:/$ cat /var/log/ubuntu-location-service/com.ubuntu.location.ubuntu-phablet.invalid-user.log.WARNING.20140827-070346.912
Log file created at: 2014/08/27 07:03:46
Running on machine: ubuntu-phablet
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0827 07:03:46.443877 912 ofono_nm_connectivity_manager.cpp:141] Error while setting up access to radio and network stack: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 1

Then the rest are the permissions errors with one more of the "Error wile setting up access" errors.

And for reference:-
phablet@ubuntu-phablet:/$ system-image-cli -i
current build number: 203
device name: mako
channel: ubuntu-touch/utopic
last update: 2014-08-22 07:57:57
version version: 203
version ubuntu: 20140821.1
version device: 20140811.1

last update: 2014-08-22 07:57:57 corresponds to the start of the permissions errors.

Also, thinking back, location detection was definitely working on 1st of July which was prior to me upgrading to utopic.