Comment 0 for bug 954109

Revision history for this message
Johannes Frank (jmfrank) wrote : ALPS Touchpad is missing tapping right mouse clickis

The Sony Vario VGN-NR21E Notebook with ALPS Glide Touchpad is missing the right mouse click when using two or three finger tapping in Precise Pangolin 12.04.
Here is the out put of xinput list:
xinput list
⎡ Virtual core pointer id=2 [master pointer (3)]
⎜ ↳ Virtual core XTEST pointer id=4 [slave pointer (2)]
⎜ ↳ PS/2 Mouse id=10 [slave pointer (2)]
⎜ ↳ AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint id=11 [slave pointer (2)]
⎣ Virtual core keyboard id=3 [master keyboard (2)]
    ↳ Virtual core XTEST keyboard id=5 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Video Bus id=6 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Sony Vaio Keys id=7 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ Power Button id=8 [slave keyboard (3)]
    ↳ AT Translated Set 2 keyboard id=9 [slave keyboard (3)]

Output of synclient -l:
Parameter settings:
    LeftEdge = 153
    RightEdge = 870
    TopEdge = 115
    BottomEdge = 652
    FingerLow = 12
    FingerHigh = 15
    FingerPress = 128
    MaxTapTime = 180
    MaxTapMove = 56
    MaxDoubleTapTime = 180
    SingleTapTimeout = 180
    ClickTime = 100
    FastTaps = 0
    EmulateMidButtonTime = 75
    EmulateTwoFingerMinZ = 141
    EmulateTwoFingerMinW = 7
    VertScrollDelta = 25
    HorizScrollDelta = 25
    VertEdgeScroll = 1
    HorizEdgeScroll = 0
    CornerCoasting = 0
    VertTwoFingerScroll = 0
    HorizTwoFingerScroll = 0
    MinSpeed = 1
    MaxSpeed = 1.75
    AccelFactor = 0.156495
    TrackstickSpeed = 40
    EdgeMotionMinZ = 15
    EdgeMotionMaxZ = 80
    EdgeMotionMinSpeed = 1
    EdgeMotionMaxSpeed = 102
    EdgeMotionUseAlways = 0
    TouchpadOff = 0
    LockedDrags = 0
    LockedDragTimeout = 5000
    RTCornerButton = 2
    RBCornerButton = 3
    LTCornerButton = 0
    LBCornerButton = 0
    TapButton1 = 1
    TapButton2 = 3
    TapButton3 = 0
    ClickFinger1 = 1
    ClickFinger2 = 1
    ClickFinger3 = 0
    CircularScrolling = 0
    CircScrollDelta = 0.1
    CircScrollTrigger = 0
    CircularPad = 0
    PalmDetect = 0
    PalmMinWidth = 10
    PalmMinZ = 100
    CoastingSpeed = 20
    CoastingFriction = 50
    PressureMotionMinZ = 15
    PressureMotionMaxZ = 80
    PressureMotionMinFactor = 1
    PressureMotionMaxFactor = 1
    ResolutionDetect = 1
    GrabEventDevice = 1
    TapAndDragGesture = 1
    AreaLeftEdge = 0
    AreaRightEdge = 0
    AreaTopEdge = 0
    AreaBottomEdge = 0
    ClickPad = 0
    RightButtonAreaLeft = 0
    RightButtonAreaRight = 0
    RightButtonAreaTop = 0
    RightButtonAreaBottom = 0
    MiddleButtonAreaLeft = 0
    MiddleButtonAreaRight = 0
    MiddleButtonAreaTop = 0
    MiddleButtonAreaBottom = 0

Any changes to synclient via TapButtonN=N seems to be ignored. When tapping with two or three fingers no right click is generated. I tried gpointing-device-settings but in vain. synclient -m 10 does not work since SHMConfig is not activated and I couldn't find any information on how to enable it without xorg.conf.

I'll be glad to do testing or provide additional information on demand.
Output of lsb_release -rd:
Description: Ubuntu precise (development branch)
Release: 12.04

sudo apt-cache policy linux-image-3.2.0-18-generic-pae
[sudo] password for johannes:
  Installiert: 3.2.0-18.28
  Kandidat: 3.2.0-18.29
     3.2.0-18.29 0
        500 precise/main i386 Packages
 *** 3.2.0-18.28 0
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status