Comment 104 for bug 952080

Revision history for this message
In , alvarezp (alvarezp-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

If the jumper goes to a controller which control the lines instead of going directly to the lines, and the controller exposes it, then this could help.

I don't have my hopes really high either, but the worst that can happen is confirming there is no way to detect it.

This is the script I intend to use:

# Variables I'd set outside of the script

# Actualy script
mkdir -p $DIRNAME/binary
mkdir -p $DIRNAME/text
mkdir -p $DIRNAME/sys
mount -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
dmidecode > $DIRNAME/text/dmidecode.txt
lspci -nnvvvv > $DIRNAME/text/lspci-nnvvvv.txt
lspci -vmm > $DIRNAME/binary/lspci-vmm.txt
lspci -Mnnvvvv > $DIRNAME/text/lspci-Mnnvvvv.txt
lspci -Mvmm > $DIRNAME/binary/lspci-Mvmm.txt
dmesg > $DIRNAME/text/dmesg.txt
lsusb -v > $DIRNAME/text/lsusb-v.txt
hwinfo > $DIRNAME/text/hwinfo.txt
acpi -V > $DIRNAME/text/acpi.txt
cat /proc/acpi/wakeup > $DIRNAME/text/proc-acpi-wakeup.txt
cp -a /sys > $DIRNAME/

Then a lot of diffing.