Comment 0 for bug 821610

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Removed by request (removed3425744) wrote :

I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 dev. I'm starting apache with the command "chrt -i 0 ionice -c 3 /usr/sbin/apache2ctl". On my system is full data journaling enabled. Theoretically if apache or a child process from apache is writing something to the disk it shouldn't affect any other applications like games because apache has the lowest cpu an I/O priority possible. But sometimes a child process from apache is writing a lot to my disk and I can't do much at this time anymore. If I play a game it is freezing every second and unplayable. If I disable full data journaling it is much better. This is why I think the [jdb2/sda1-8] process doesn't inherit the nice/ionice from the writing process.