Comment 0 for bug 818648

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Gregory Lew (gregorylew-h) wrote :

         Whenever I try to Hibernate my machine it does appear to do so, but then after I turn it back on it just goes like if it were booting up. Next thing I know I'm at the login screen of Ubuntu 11.04 (not lock screen), thus resulting in loss of precious data. This "hibernation" would work like the one on Windows right? (start>shut down computer>> Hibernate, then it saves data to disk and shuts down. When turned back on you get to the lock screen and your data is intact.) Would there be any workarounds to disable hibernation or any fixes that would make hibernation work?

I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 Natty,. Now I clicked on the Power button and chose Hibernate and it does shut down the PC but does not save the state of it like I left it. I took a look in Gparted and it showed a 3 gigabyte partition but it is corrupt.