Comment 0 for bug 774654

Revision history for this message
Sly (netrefuge) wrote :

Alright, so a little background. For the past few days, I've been attempting to get my internal mic and internal speakers to work on my system. I have seen other people post about this on random forums, and other places, but no absolute fix for it.

Today, I tried to replace PulseAudio with ALSA, and making it the default driver. So, I made the file ~/.pulse/client.conf and put "autospawn=no", and rebooted. This successfully kept PulseAudio from starting, as it should have.

At this point, I noticed that the sound menu wasn't working. Went in, and it had the slider disabled with the label above it saying "Label Empty". After clicking on Sound Preferences, I got a message "Waiting for sound system to respond".

Well, then I went into Skype and tried to use ALSA, since it was allowing my microphone to work. Made a test call, and it worked fine. After a little while, I tried to call a friend and test it. Wouldn't work. Just a bunch of static.

So, I decided to try to use PulseAudio one more time. So, I ran "pulseaudio -D", and it completed successfully. After it started, I could see that the sound menu had re-enabled everything like it should be.

Restarted Skype again, made a test call, and the mic worked. I was surprised, since it was using PulseAudio again, and it hadn't previously worked.

Just as my hopes were getting up, about 10 minutes into the call, the microphone stopped working again. Went into the Sound Preferences, and (again) it's not showing any input from the internal microphone.