Comment 21 for bug 76424

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Jan-Philipp Litza (jplitza) wrote : Re: Hibernation uses old kernel after kernel upgrade causing resume failure

I can confirm that this, let's call it 'misbehaviour', still exists in Hardy Heron Alpha 6.
As mentioned by Sitsofe, old kernels are removed automatically, so it isn't possible to just set GRUB to boot the old kernel automatically. But keeping backups of kernels all the time isn't a nice solution either.

What would be possible is a simple if-clause in /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-power-hibernate-linux

> if [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ] ; then
> unsupported
> fi

That definitly isn't the nicest way of doing it, but it works and prevents the user from accidently hibernating and crashing all his data.

Despite that, suspend isn't related to this issue at all, as far as i know, as long as it is plain suspend and not hybrid mode. Suspend doesn't even unload the kernel or load a new kernel.