Comment 15 for bug 759986

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peter b (b1pete) wrote :

your word is taken. I won't go into that - time limitations.

Seth, it just occurred to me, for sure you'll see that ubuntu natty kernel future builds have this patch incorporated - it works - as far as I could see. however, linux kernel I have NOT patched and build as #9 Jussi recommended.

I do not know what's the proper way to answer Jussi's and linux generic #9. is it going to be you that will tell linux generic that the patch is working in ubuntu natty linux release ? or should I post here, for Jussi's att'n that the patch is applied in ubuntu natty and holds fine ? do linux generic devs monitor ubuntu linux releases filed bugs ?


I use this opportunity to talk to an ubuntu dev team ;
Seth, I think you saw the second part of #9 above; a personal request if I may for the good of ubuntu future (I fully know that's a totally different topic BUT related to kernels the way I was let to believe, whether it is ubuntu kernels or linux generic I do not know) - PLEASE tell me what's your opinion re floppy devices issue in

is there, in your opinion, anything that can be done to advance and bring to a successful conclusion this issue ?. all potential future ubuntu users (and there is a whole lot of them out there) and it appears a good chunk of current ubuntu users are dissatisfied by the fact that CLI must be employed in order to get a basic pc device to work with various degree of success. for sure this issue reverberates into other packages (nautilus for sure is one and others).

can you pretty please look into it ? tu in advance.