Comment 0 for bug 744081

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anshuiitk (himanshu-kgp) wrote :

My T410s has two graphics card. The output of 'lspci | grep -i VGA' is shown below :

00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT218 [NVS 3100M] (rev a2)

T410s only uses the embedded Intel Graphics card, but not the nvidia. Installing nvidia driver form ubuntu (nvidia current) or nvidia driver from nvidia official website, just crashes the gdm. The gdm refuses to restart. It gi
ves some usb_failure error. I suspect the driver is not compatible with the latest card.

Also this causes compiz to perform really bad (expos and spaces are very costly) due to which frequent freezes ar
e observed and the system has to be restarted.

I have attached the relevant information as attachments.