Comment 75 for bug 727620

Revision history for this message
Ap. Syvertsen (taperkatt) wrote :

Hi Seth,
Thanks a lot for working on this. Unfortunately I was unable to reach Unity at all with the new kernel but it crashes in a distinctively new way. Earlier the computer stopped without any backlight, but I was able to reach VT1, which says "Preparing flip with no unpin work?" and VT7, which displayed the kernel BUG from the driver loading.

Now, out of five times, two times the computer stopped with a black screen with backlight, but I was unable to reach any VT.
The following three times, the computer wanted to check the disk, which after diskchecking, resulted in the loading-logo (Ubuntu with dots underneath) being displayed on my computer for the first time since the upgrade to 11.04 (Usually the complete loading of linux is black).

the computer froze after this, two times with the ubuntu-logo being displayed and once with the Call trace from the BUG being displayed. I was unable to use Alt-F1/F7.

Attached is the kern.log