Comment 6 for bug 714719

Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

My comment on that bug:

Hmm, from the dmesg output it sounds sort of like your system was already 'sick' before X hung. Perhaps an out-of-memory situation?

Could you please explain more about the conditions leading to this system freeze? And have you seen it more often than just this one time?

Is this a freshly installed system, or did you upgrade from an earlier Ubuntu?

His reply:
Thanks for your replay
Some details:
after the last week's updates Exaile crashed >>>

INFO : Loading Exaile
INFO : Loading settings...
** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GstObject)
INFO : Loading plugins...
INFO : Attempting to connect to AudioScrobbler (
INFO : Logged in successfully to AudioScrobbler (
INFO : Connected to AudioScrobbler
INFO : Loading collection...
INFO : Loading devices...
INFO : Loading interface...
INFO : Loading main window...
INFO : Connecting main window events...
INFO : Loading panels...
INFO : Connecting panel events...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/exaile/", line 52, in <module> main()
  File "/usr/lib/exaile/", line 49, in main exaile = main.Exaile()
  File "/usr/lib/exaile/xl/", line 96, in __init__ self.__init()
  File "/usr/lib/exaile/xl/", line 220, in __init self.gui = xlgui.Main(self)
  File "/usr/lib/exaile/xlgui/", line 124, in __init__ self.main._connect_panel_events()
  File "/usr/lib/exaile/xlgui/", line 927, in _connect_panel_events
    panel.connect('append-items', lambda panel, items, sort=sort:
TypeError: <PlaylistsPanel object at 0x99d47fc (xlgui+panel+playlists+PlaylistsPanel at 0xbbb04b0)>: unknown signal name: append-items
After this happened, I tried Decibel Audio Player --- crashed 4 times with system freeze and X breakdown twice (and active tty1-5) and total system freeze twice;
all crashes occurred when tried to modify some preferences: importing directories, modifying settings like IM output...
maybe the problem somehow Python-related ... waiting for upgrades

The current system is a result of continuous upgrades since ubuntu 9.10 (if I remember well)
