Comment 15 for bug 663053

Revision history for this message
_Nick_ (xtreme1-nick) wrote :

I just received the same error message:

"evms_activate is not available"

After a short time, I'm dropped to a prompt (initramfs), with the initial error indicating the following:

"-r ALERT /dev/disk/by-uuid/<UUID> does not exist. Dropping to shell"

I just installed ubuntu-10.10-alternate-amd64.iso. Partitioned my disks, setup raid and crypto from the manual disk installer during the setup process. Everything was running great. I decided I wanted to modify one of the three encrypted partitions, I wanted to utilize a key file versus a passphrase so I entered in the following:

sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda6 /root/keyfile (the keyfile is owned by root, read only).

Upon reboot, the error above. I'm just not starting the investigative process and stumbled upon this thread, I will continue to investigate.

I booted into the CD installer again and went into the manual partition disks section. Looks like by entire partition table and mounts points are all screwed up, in addition to not having anything show up as encrypted.

One thing I didn't notice before that I just saw now is that there are multiple kernel options available during the boot process:

2.6.35-25 (generic and recovery)
2.6.35-22 (generic and recovery)

Neither of the generics work. I tried the 2.6.35-22 recovery, prompted me for my passphrase for the first encrypted disk. Stated that it was successful, then the following:

cryptsetup: lvm is not available
cryptsetup: evms_activate is not available
Begin: waiting for encrypted source drive

Same thing happens on 2.6.35-25 recovery.

I'm pretty much at a loss.