Comment 620 for bug 620074

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In , linux-kernel-bugs (linux-kernel-bugs-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

Alan: What would be your example of a huge bloated inefficient desktop? I guess KDE/GNOME. And the efficient one might be icewm/fvwm etc. Not common unfortunately.

The I/O wait problem is still valid. It is just that you need different patterns to hit it. A lot has improved with the latest writeback work but still, when hit, this is a terrible problem.

If you want to reproduce it, take your laptop/desktop, with 4 GiB Mem and the regular SATA disk. Pump (buffered) I/O with dd into it. Write zeroes with block size of 1 MiB. Since it is buffered, you'll start good until you consume all your 4 GiB memory. After that is when you will start seeing the problem.

At that moment (i.e. after you have consumed all of your RAM), every write() will contend for page availability. And given that you also have a slow rotating disk (you can also include remote storage - both block and files), try to execute a task following the I/O. A simple sync command is good to start with. CPU goes blocked until the pages are scanned for best fits and are buffers synced. You can run dstat and observe the CPU wait time out there.

(In our tests) Linux is good at pumping I/O. This doesn't always fit in the regular OS model where the user could also be doing other random stuff while I/O is in progress. They expect the machine to be responsive.

MS Windows, while not the best, is still better than Linux desktop in this use case.

Over the years, my workaround have been to have only 1 process doing I/O. Never let 2 or more processes do I/O at the same time. Like don't do 2 cp. Don't do 2 copy operations in your gui file browser. If you follow this policy, you have a higher chance avoiding this ugly bug.