Comment 81 for bug 60764

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Kit Scuzz (kitsczud) wrote :

Well I'm definitely willing to believe this is a hardware error but at this point it is wholly bewildering to me. I'll have to try new sticks of ram though I'm reluctant to believe that is the issue as the single stick of 4gig ram which is in the machine has the correct voltages and timings which it is rated for and it has made it through 16 consecutive passes of Memtest86+ v4.20.

I decided to try and really track down this issue to no avail. I have changed NICs twice now, I have removed my cheap NVIDIA video card (which put me back on the ATI 4250 built onto the motherboard). I have also disabled the use of the "hidden cores" on my AMD64 cpu. None of this has changed the corruption I'm seeing, which is frequently 0xAA sprinkled randomly throughout the packet. Once right at the beginning 0xAAxxAAxx where xx are random (normally either 0x55 or random) (this is always the first part).

I think my next step here is going to have to be trying this in two different scenarios:
1) I will be to take the server to a different house and see if I get the same corruption problem (this would rule out my router/wiring as being the issue)
2) Actually get new RAM for the machine (though I'm currently too broke to afford it, it will have to wait)

I guess I'm hoping that someone can provide a method of ruling out software/kernel/driver issues. As it stands I'm trying more and more elaborate hardware-based solutions but I haven't had any good method of ruling out non-functioning software.