Comment 121 for bug 59867

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Manjul Apratim (manzdagratiano) wrote :

I too have had the same issue on my Dell Vostro V13 starting a week ago after an upgrade - my mouse was always slow to reload after a resume from suspend, but now it had stopped resuming altogether. After a combination of fixes, I settled upon the following that works for me (thanks to anxrc from Arch Linux forums for the motivation - he originally employed the bind/unbind trick for i8042 drivers, but that did not work for me):

Create a file /etc/pm/sleeps.d/71input-reset, and paste in it:

# Reload the AT keyboard interface.

case "$1" in
                rmmod psmouse
                modprobe psmouse

Make it executable:

sudo chmod +x /etc/pm/sleep.d/71input-reset

and we're done! This reloads the psmouse module every time a resume occurs (unloads it during suspend, but that does not affect anything), and it does work :)