Comment 569 for bug 595047

Revision history for this message
In , kernel (kernel-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

To everyone interested in this bug:

An easy and reliable way to demonstrate the issues surrounding this bug (on a system without anonymous swap) is to mount a tmpfs that is sized as large as your physical RAM. Then start writing to it (slowly!!!). The kernel will be unable to flush those blocks to disk, as they are not backed by disk. As you continue writing to the tmpfs, the kernel will gradually evict everything else in your block cache and file system cache.

At some point, the kernel will have run out of caches to evict and will start evicting memory-mapped pages. You'll know this has happened when the system responsiveness comes to a crawl and your disk starts thrashing. Yes, your disk will thrash, even though you're only writing to a tmpfs. The thrashing is due to all the page-ins of executable pages that are being accessed as various processes on your system struggle to keep executing their background threads and event processing loops.

If your writer process continues writing to the tmpfs, your system will become completely unusable. If you're lucky, eventually the kernel's OOM killer will be invoked. The OOM killer probably won't choose your tmpfs writer as its victim, though, so you'll have only a short time to kill the writer yourself before your system grinds to a halt again. If you do manage to get it killed, you can simply unmount the tmpfs, and everything will return to normal in short order. You will notice a bit of lag the first time you switch back to other applications that were running, as they will trigger page faults to get their code loaded back into RAM, but once that's done, everything will be as usual.