Comment 325 for bug 595047

Revision history for this message
In , valentyn+_= (valentyn+-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

This bug is present at least from 2.6.15 and up, so it's older than the 2.6.18 (with question mark) reported in this bug.

@breezer:~$ { sleep 5; dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/bigfile bs=1M count=5000 conv=fdatasync ; } & /tmp/fsync-tester
[1] 4946
fsync time: 0.0188
fsync time: 0.0142
fsync time: 0.0142
fsync time: 0.0142
fsync time: 0.0143
fsync time: 9.2283
fsync time: 12.0892
fsync time: 11.9867
fsync time: 17.6123
fsync time: 13.5469

I've seen sync times up to 20 seconds.

This is Ubuntu 6.06LTS, 2.6.15-53-686 kernel. I am seeing this behaviour on various machines with different hardware. It is a real problem for NFS servers in combination with clients that run Firefox 3.