Comment 249 for bug 595047

Revision history for this message
In , axboe (axboe-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

There's still some confusing comments on IO wait in here, lets clear that up at least. 91% io wait does not mean it's using 91% cpu power for doing the IO, it merely means that some process is BLOCKED waiting for IO 91% of the time. It has zero relevance on cpu cycles consumed. Same goes for the observed load. Having a load of 2.0 due to io wait times does not mean that you have a doubly loaded system. It just means that, on average, two processes are blocked waiting for IO. When you start a bittorrent client and it checks the file data, you would expect io wait to be nearly 100%. It does do some cpu processing, so that's why it's not completely at 100%.

So forget IO wait, it doesn't tell you ANYTHING about whether a system is supposed to be slow or not.