Comment 224 for bug 595047

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In , trent.bugzilla (trent.bugzilla-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

(In reply to comment #134)
> Hi.
> On my laptop(Core2Duo 1.6 ghz) I run my gentoo kernel 2.6.28-gentoo.
> I didn't have any problems with latency.
> If I run "dd if=/dev/zero of=file bs=1M count=2048" or "dd if=/dev/zero
> of=/tmp/test bs=1M count=1M" (I tried to run it as user and also as root), my
> system works well and I can start firefox, another shell, open dolphin (i'm
> under kde4-svn) and everything is faster.
> I have XFS filesystem on my home and reiserfs on root.
> Since I configured my kernel manually, maybe it could be usefull for someone
> to
> have my .config so I'll post it.

I have just unmasked, and tried 2.6.28 on Gentoo Linux as well, and the problem appears to be gone. This is on my D820, which is the one with really bad throughput as well. As I am in the process of converting to 64bit on my D820, I am unable to try GUI stuff out. But, before, during heavy load, I was unable to switch between terminals very well either. Now, the system is EXTREMELY responsive, during these heavy load times, which is what I expect. And, I'm getting 82M/sec once the caching limit has been reached, and 256M/sec with caching. This is equivalent to what I was getting with 2.6.17.

Now, I don't know if the gentoo guys applied someone's patch from here, as comment #52 mentioned patching 2.6.28, but it's working for me now. I'm VERY happy about that. :D Based on his description, it very much sounds like the Gentoo guys must have applied the patch. I was doing a while loop, with dd, increasing the amount of data by 1M at a time. The first few, up to about 60M, were getting 256M/sec. Then, I noticed in my other terminal, running vmstat, the iowait times got pinned to nearly 100%. So, I'm thinking that all those dd's that got cached, were finally catching up to the NO LIMIT on cached items, and causing thrashing in the IO system. That caused a COMPLETE freezeup of the while loop. Also, during this time, my HD light was going crazy. Then, when the io wait times dropped to 0 again (cached items flushed), the loop did a few more iterations (and my HD light was off), and it started all over again. Then, again the loop froze, etc, etc, etc.