Comment 31 for bug 588822

Revision history for this message
deibhaid (deibhaid) wrote :

I have this issue as well. Ubuntu 10.10 x86_64

r8192se_pci modules

RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)

As a workaround, I had to write a script that removes the module, modprobes it, kills Network Manager and brings the network interface:


int=`ifconfig | grep wlan | awk '{print $1}'`

modprobe -r r8192se_pci
modprobe r8192se_pci hwwep=0
kill -9 `pidof NetworkManager`
ifconfig $int up
iwconfig $int key 10293847565647382910123456 essid "Grendel Cluster"
timeout 10 dhclient $int
if timeout 5 ping -c 1
 then echo "\033[33;3;148mConnected\033[39m"
 else sh