Comment 21 for bug 582390

Revision history for this message
Phil Stevenson (philstevenson25) wrote :

There are lots of reports of this bug in various iterations. Please also see bugs # 88746, 490112, 541937 and 599755. They all seem to exhibit the same behavior.

I'm currently using Lucid 64-bit. I'm going to copy and paste a post from the System76 support forums on what I've done to troubleshoot this:

It was reported that running the following commands in a terminal would solve this problem in past releases of Ubuntu:
sudo modprobe -r ehci_hcd
sudo modprobe ehci_hcd

However, this is not an option any longer as this module is now part of the kernel and can't be reloaded this way.

Changing the kernel from CFQ to Anticipatory Scheduling at the GRUB prompt doesn't seem to have any affect, though other users have reported some success with this method.

    * The 32-bit version of Lucid doesn't demonstrate this problem, either through a live cd environment or installed to the internal hard drive. Speed stays consistent, but does not seem to exceed 12 Mbps.
    * Puppy Linux 4.3.1 doesn't seem to demonstrate this problem, though because of the lack of a progress bar for the copy operation, I can't give exact speeds. I would guess that it is operating at 12 Mbps like the 32-bit version of Lucid as it seemed to take about the same amount of time to transfer a large file.
    * Fedora 13 64-bit (live cd) demonstrates this problem
    * A live cd for 64-bit Lucid bit also demonstrates this problem
    * Linux Mint 9 64-bit live cd also had this problem
    * Lucid Puppy 5.0.1 live cd did not have this problem, though I think this is a 32-bit distro, and was as fast as the live Windows cd
    * A live Windows cd does not demonstrate this problem.

Please let me know what other information I can provide to help with this.