Comment 1 for bug 575669

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agent 8131 (agent-8131) wrote :

More information:


The standard version of SSP uses /dev/urandom directly. When a whole system is
built with SSP this tends to consume all the kernel entropy. /dev/erandom is
reccomended [sic] for SSP to conserve kernel entropy.


Frandom stands for "fast random". Erandom stands for "economical random".
They both use the arcfour algorithm

The /dev/erandom device uses the constantly changing state of frandom's pool,
in a read-only mode, for entropy. /dev/erandom consumes no entropy from
/dev/random, and is ideal for applications that want to open the device
thousands of times, such as Stack Smashing Protector.


So it seems that if every executable is going to use the GCC SSP feature perhaps /dev/urandom is not the best source for random numbers. It could use /dev/erandom if that device was available. And it seems it would be useful to use for random data overwrites where /dev/urandom is too slow.