Comment 63 for bug 561210

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Timo Harmonen (timo-harmonen) wrote :

This case is the sole reason I have had to skip upgrading to Lucid. And as the problem seems to be also in Maverick, it seems that I will be stuck with Karmic for even longer.

Please find below a recapture of my findings, hope it would help in investigating this.

I can reliable repro this case both with the latest Maverick beta (2.6.35-22) and Lucid (2.6.32-24). I have only tested with amd64.

Here are the minimal steps needed in my environment

1. Amd64 Maverick (or Lucid) host, install amd64 Maverick (or Lucid) kvm guest.

2. Export a nfs mount in host, mount that in guest. I use the following settings:
  server: rw,nohide,insecure,no_subtree_check,async
  client: timeo=14,rw,_netdev

3. Run the following script in guest, the script hangs every time, latest after creating a few thousand files.

cd <insert-your-nfspath-here>
while true
     for i in $(seq 6)
         dd bs=1k count=8000 if=/dev/zero of="file_"$k" &