Comment 37 for bug 556867

Revision history for this message
Josy (josy1) wrote :

The error above only appears with mainline kernel. (See screenshoot "Screenshot_mainline_x-server_error.png" above, which shows the message "Could notapply the stored configuration for monitors- Xserver does not support size requested.").

This message is shown directly after desktop login. Additionally a screenshot of the application System->Preferences->Monitor is attached to this comment.

Switching to console (ctrl-Alt-F1 and back Ctrl-Alt F7) works fine with mainline kernel and Ubuntu Standard kernel.

After switching to between console and desktop or vice versa, the second switch operation is not accepted unless the ctrl-alt keys are completely released. Looks like when switching between desktop and terminal the keyboard server of the xserver does not notice that the ctrl and alt key are already pressed.

This might be the source of trouble, why switching back does not work for some people.