Comment 0 for bug 554695

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ullix (ullix) wrote : [ubuntu lucid] both suspend and hibernate fail on netbook

running latest ubuntu lucid on netbook Acer Aspire One A110L.

Clicking on Hibernate:
Screen darkens, hard disk activity, and after 45sec a screensaver comes up. Moving the mouse brings up a login screen. I login and am back on my desktop. Apparently it doesn't even try to hibernate.

Clicking on suspend:
Screen darkens, hard disk activity, hard disk actitvty is off after ~20sec. Then nothing. The netbook keeps running (fan is on, backlight of screen is still on), but does not respond to any key (including CTR-ALT-DEL) or mouse movement/click. No response to pressing the power button. Only solution is to press the power button long enough to switch the computer off.
After rebooting the networking is disabled, and I have to manually enable it.

At least the suspend did work before (like in Karmic, not sure about earlier Lucids)