Comment 732 for bug 500069

Revision history for this message
In , datacompboy (datacompboy-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

After upgrade from 3.0.x to 3.2.0, this bug are completely eats my brain :(
Have tried solution from #571 -- now hangs not whole system, but just some applications (browser, terminal, ooffice etc).
Disk is SSD:
  Read : 1145044992 bytes (1,1 GB), 1,56616 s, 731 MB/s
  Write: 1145044992 bytes (1,1 GB), 14,30301 s, 80 MB/s
  MemTotal: 3969340 kB
  MemFree: 112720 kB
  Buffers: 721196 kB
  Cached: 1246456 kB
  SwapCached: 656 kB
  Active: 918656 kB
  Inactive: 1666252 kB
  Active(anon): 507868 kB
  Inactive(anon): 158192 kB
  Active(file): 410788 kB
  Inactive(file): 1508060 kB
  SwapTotal: 6290428 kB
  SwapFree: 6288604 kB

But it still freezez sometimes, on simple actions like just Alt+Tab to other app, and that app hangs for 3-6 seconds.