Comment 604 for bug 500069

Revision history for this message
In , sgh (sgh-linux-kernel-bugs) wrote :

I'm wondering. Isn't bad reponsiveness equals starvation of processes in the
cpu schedueler? In that case it would be better to meassure the amount of cpu-
cycles it is possible to burn during pekmop1024's procedure.

I have tried to just dd a 8 Gb file, and it gives me stalls in the gui, but it
is because of stat64-calls in the application. Under normal circumstances the
file that is stat'ed is cached. But during high thoughput the cache is filled up
with other data. So the stat64-call have to read from the disk which will the
compete my dd. Running glxgears alongside the dd show a constant fps during to
whole dd.

I have followed this thread a long time and I do not remember anyone
mensioning that a single high thoughput application renders the cache useless
to other applications.

Is it possible to avoid filling the cahce with data that is written ?