Comment 107 for bug 500069

Revision history for this message
Daniel Barrett (dbarrett-m) wrote :

gonssal (#104): On 13.04 (live CD), I ran "sudo modprobe ehci_hcd" and copied files from an internal SSD to an external USB3 drive. I get super-slow 1 MB/second transfer rates. I boot the same computer into Windows 7 (it's dual boot) and I get 150MB/sec.

I get the same problem if I use eSATA or Firewire (the external drive has all three connections): slow on 13.04, fast on Windows 7.

If I boot on a Knoppix 7.2 CD, however... FAST FAST FAST transfer speed. Knoppix is 3.9 kernel, while 13.04 is 3.8.

I also tried the Ubuntu nightly build of 13.10 today (kernel 3.11), and it had the same slowness problem as 13.04.

I also tried #106 (echo "never" > "/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled") and it made no difference.

My vendor blames the ASmedia Chipset on my motherboard, which he says Linux has "rudimentary at best" support for.