Comment 174 for bug 496093

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Elton Woo (elton-woo) wrote :

@ Chris Barker: [you said:] "I'm not sure what your relationship is to Ralink but if they are so "open-source friendly" why are their latest drivers broken and require an end user like me to modify the source code, compile the source code myself, and go through all sorts of back flips just get a freaking wireless card connected to the Internet?"

I have no 'relationship' with Ralink, nor do I represent any other company or entity that may be mentioned in this forum. My enthusiastic tone WRT RaLink was based on merely *seeing* that they do have drivers available. Until reading your response, I was totally unaware of the real situation. I merely used Ricardo Salvetri's patched kernel post-install of LUCID.

From the tone of your reply, I can well understand your frustration.

As for me, I am just "average Joe" who has a smattering to linux knowledge, is mainly a GUI user, and who found that Ubuntu made LINUX easy for me. I certainly appreciate that other more knowledgeable linux enthusiasts / coders like yourself give your free time to help.