Comment 40 for bug 479296

Revision history for this message
Filofel (filofel) wrote :


I applied the method indicated at the link you sent.
Copied / pasted / executed:

touch ~/.pulse_a11y_nostart
echo autospawn = no|tee -a ~/.pulse/client.conf
killall pulseaudio

and rebooted the machine.
That didn't prevent pulseaudio from starting, though, as my log still contains:

Nov 22 16:44:53 Philinux kernel: [ 28.182386] __ratelimit: 3 callbacks suppressed
Nov 22 16:45:05 Philinux pulseaudio[1697]: ratelimit.c: 1 events suppressed
Nov 22 16:45:58 Philinux kernel: [ 93.244043] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -216722338 ns)

What gives?...

> PulseAudio is entirely userspace. Are you referring to
> the ALSA kernel modules (sound drivers)?

Well, the reason I'm asking is that I repeatedly see various processes segfaulting within a dozen microseconds after a
__ratelimit: X callbacks suppressed
messages, I inferred that some pulseaudio kernel module was involved: How could the pulseaudio usermode process interfere with a whole set of other user processes otherwise? Or send the whole OS to a freeze?
Example follows:

Nov 21 14:09:42 Philinux pulseaudio[1842]: ratelimit.c: 2 events suppressed
Nov 21 14:10:05 Philinux kernel: [ 94.732041] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -223109891 ns)
Nov 21 14:10:38 Philinux kernel: [ 127.890435] __ratelimit: 3 callbacks suppressed
Nov 21 14:10:38 Philinux kernel: [ 127.890447] apt-check[2885] general protection ip:805b17c sp:bf88202c error:0 in python2.6[8048000+1d3000]
Nov 21 14:11:35 Philinux kernel: [ 184.778508] update-manager[2935] general protection ip:809494a sp:bfae3134 error:0 in python2.6[8048000+1d3000]

Finally, my apologies for answering to you as "Peter" in my previous message. We have a Peter Chen in our team, and it looks like I blew a couple of synapses while typing the previous message!