Comment 66 for bug 477226

Revision history for this message
iltony (iltony) wrote :

I don't know how to help about jack detection. It doesn't work on my laptop (lenovo 3000 N200 hda-intel) as well (and it never did). But I can tell you how I successfully made my headphones work again with connector selection option in gnome-volume-preferences applet.
Open a terminal and type "cd /usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/paths/"
then give a "sudo gedit analog-output-headphones.conf".
Locate "[Element Front]" in gedit and replace
"[Element Front]
switch = off
volume = off"
"[Element Front]
switch = off
volume = merge".
The save, close and reboot. This time connector selection option should work.
If it doesn't, please open a terminal and type: "alsamixer", then try setting all volumes to high, including front, and all the trigger on (you can toggle a trigger by pressing "m"), all but the front trigger which should be set to off.