Comment 2 for bug 464353

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angelo f valente (angelofabrino) wrote :

Exactly my case,floppy works only through command line,in the Slackware fashion.
Maybe due to grub/partition/overlapping issues.
Same happened in a previous upgrade Dapper-->Hardy, but then it affected USB DRIVE as well;in this particular case the solution to floppy was like yours mkdir /media/floppy -->sudo mount /dev/fd0,but the USB issue remained...
Since my HD partitions weren't regular and /tmp had its own space elsewhere, I wasn't able to visualize what I had with sudo cfdisk! The solution was a fresh install. Not pretending this as a solution,just for consideration.
As for the grub/partition/overlapping issues above I imagine the system will get the obvious one and leave floppy,perhaps USB go undetected.
Good luck
angelo f valente