Comment 59 for bug 463940

Revision history for this message
Gabe E. Nydick (gnydick-launchpad) wrote :

Sorry, have to re-post, prematurely hit "Post"

using openSuSE 11.2, vanilla 2.6.33-rc5 with trackpad click patch

- Machine seems completely stable if I do the following. I add and remove external displays, change resolutions, run xbmc, all sorts of taxing display tasks.
  - boot runlevel 3
  - pm-suspend (configured with "-f -a 3")
  - wake it up
  - telinit 5

- sleep works just fine

New bugs with 2.6.33-rc3, 4, 5...

- The display switch soft-key now just types a "p" instead of sending an acpi event. Not sure if that's a config thing or a kernel thing.

Other problems...

- Is anyone working on fixing the mute button LED? I wish I could get that to turn off.
- Is there any way to remap a key to sysrq? I'd really like to be able to sync my file system before forcefully rebooting it?