Comment 116 for bug 422536

Revision history for this message
Shaved Wookie (shavedwookie) wrote :

Sure. I can understand that. Just realise that "buggy" is a relative term and that there are always acceptable and unacceptable levels of bugs that differ between release types types (eg alpha vs beta vs RC vs standard release vs LTS). Every user believes their bug is *the* most important and *the One* that makes all the difference. Software though is always advanced by a balance between getting it out in real world testing with the newer code vs finding the bugs in the current code. Just look at Vista! ;)

No software ships with 0 bugs.

You just do the best you can to get the most important ones fixed as soon as possible. In this light, I'm sure that many bugs will be found and quickly patched as a result of the initial release and updates. Being fixed before release would be nice. Having the most important bugs patched as quickly as possible (including this one or not) is more important.

Anyway, if you'd like to continue this discussion on the forums or privately, that's fine, but I'd suggest we both leave this bug report clear for what we both want: getting a solution found and implemented for this.
