Comment 12 for bug 416073

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In , AmadeuS (sarelgrin) wrote :

Well, I changed the SwapbuffersWait setting to false (I also had to write a xorg.conf file since ubuntu 9.10 comes without it).

Performance didn't show any change, however something is changed because the tearing is back now. Tried to re-enable the SwapbuffersWait but no change. The tearing continues unless I delete the new xorg.conf (which is extremely minimal and ordinary)

Anyways the SwapbuffersWait doesn't matter to the performance. windows still don't move very smoothly, tux racer gives the same framerate (it's even slightly better with the original configuration, 35fps-SwapbuffersWait off, 38fps-original)

compiz and kwin performance is still bad. (and with tearing)