Comment 9 for bug 392288

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florin.balate (florin-balate) wrote :

Maybe this helps:
I read on some forum while I was searching for an answer about the slow write speed on my usb stick (transf speed dropped quickly from 20 MB/s to 100KB/s) that maybe kde is responsible for this. first I ignored this, but I have just tried it.

I logged out of my regular KDE session, logged in fluxbox, mounted stick by hand, since its not automounted, using only defaults options:
$mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdcX /mnt/stick
/dev/sdc1 on /mnt/stick type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)

Then I started copying my file ~4.4GB. speed stabilized at 13MB/s

The whole copy process would have taken about 5 minutes, if I hadn't changed the file manager to kde during the last 30 sec.
Guess what -> speed dropped , it is still copying ETA 25 sec